Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Tuna is MINE

The Mom decided to make some tuna for lunch today. She gave the Brats some "tuna water" (the water in the can of tuna), but she knows that the actual tuna fish is mine. Not the Brats, not hers, mine. M-I-N-E. Simple concept, right? Well the two Doofi don't seem to get it. They think they're young and faster than an old fart. They may be, but they keep on forgetting that I am the expert on giving other kitties a good hard smack upside the head. They get a little too close to the tuna and THWAP! Right upside their dense little heads. That should teach them seniority is more important than youth. Stupid kittens.


Ramona said...

Hilarious! It even made me forget about my missing teeth for a second. My mom is forcing icky antibiotics down my throat, but also chasing it with some not to bad chicken flavoured stuff that makes me feel pretty damn good.
Now I must sleep.

Kukka-Maria said...

Sometimes it's necessary to violently pull rank with your "peers" (and I use this term very loosely).

Keep showing them who is boss. Eventually, they'll learn.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Keep the in line Ayla! Mmmm tuna.

The Crew said...

Oh Ayla, you have my sympathy. The younger generation must learn to respect seniority.

The Crew

meemsnyc said...

ooooh, sebastian and yaffa loves tuna. LOVES.

Timmy said...

Thank goodness I live alone. NOBODY steals my tuna water!

Beau said...

I would do a smack down for tuna also! You do what ya' gotta do!

Anonymous said...

Smack down those whippersnappers sistah!

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