Monday, July 31, 2006

We're having a heat wave...

...but you couldn't tell in our house. Noooo. The Mom and the Dad have all the a/c cranked up on high to keep the house "cool." Hello? It's freakin' freezing in here. I need to curl up under the dirty clothes in the laundry basket to keep warm. How is it that these hairless apes are always so hot while my fur-covered self is always so cold? Makes no sense.

On a lighter note, the Mom hurt her knee exercising. She's not sure what she did but she's been popping a lot of pills and talking about seeing the human V-E-T. She must be in a lot of pain 'cause a) she hates taking pills, and b) she's not too fond of the human V-E-T either. I keep telling her to just sleep for a couple of days and she'll be fine but she never listens to me. Silly human.


The Meezers or Billy said...

we has to lay unner the quilts 'acuase our mommy "cannot tolerate" any heat ofurr 75 of those degree thingies- and it's gonna be almost 100 of them the next few days.
oh, that's too bad about your mommy getting hurted. that will teach her to exercise. :-)

Unknown said...

People need to exercise to keep their hearts strong so we can keep them around longer. But it would be easier if they just ran around the livingroom and rolled in the nip box like we do, but they always think they're smarter than us. Bummer about your Mom's knee. Maybe that's why they have it so cold in the house - to keep it from swelling?


Boy those beans sure don't know anyfink about ex-er-cizin, now do they? If they were like us they wouldn't hafta do all those weird things. We poodins know how to keep in shape and keep limber too!

Psstttt my beans like to keep that cool fink on real low too. They keep that on and all kinds of blowie things on the ceiling. I don't get it. Good fink I have furrs.


Zeus said...

I can tell the human pet has tried to keep it cool in here by closing all of the blinds and having the a/c set to 78, but I don't think it's helping. I think the heat is just sneaking inside of the house and making us miserable.

How can your human lady pet be exercising in this heat? She's a real trooper! I don't even have energy to walk from the living room to the kitchen!

Victor Tabbycat said...

If our howse gets too cool, I find the sunshine. Tell yur mom the cold's not good fur her knee! An that's what she gets fur exhersizing insteada takin proper care of you. Our A/C's at 82 when the beans are out an 78 when the beans are home cuz it uses too much lectricky. If it gets too warm, we has the cool dungeon.

Victor Tabbycat said...

If our howse gets too cool, I find the sunshine. Tell yur mom the cold's not good fur her knee! An that's what she gets fur exhersizing insteada takin proper care of you. Our A/C's at 82 when the beans are out an 78 when the beans are home cuz it uses too much lectricky. If it gets too warm, we has the cool dungeon. cool dungeon.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

When we tell Momma it is too cool she says, your noses are always cold! It can be 116.6 degrees and your nose will be cold, that is as it should be, then she starts in on health and I just go to sleep.
::yawns and stretches big::

Patches Lady

Max said...

Until you have ice hanging off your nipples, the People will just keep cranking the cold air blowing thingy, not caring about the kitties...

Amy in NC said...

We hope your human feels better soon! Our Mum says that she has had surgery on her knee and she hope that your Mum doesn't have to go through that.


Rascal said...

Ha! I agree with you that humans don't have much sense. Maybe you need to sit on your mom to hold her down until her knee feels better.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need to have Giggy over. He NEVER exercises and insists on having the remote for the AC.