Thursday, May 04, 2006

Where have I been?

Ah yes, I've heard that some of you have been worried about me since I haven't written in so long. Thank you for your concern but I'm just fine. If you're going to yell at anyone, yell at the Mom.

For the past month, she has been hogging the computer doing her animation and rendering, whatever the heck that is. I say "it would be nice if you let me use the computer every once in a while" and she just ignores me. I then say "it would be nice if you let me get my own computer" and she just laughs. She laughs. Bah. She did say that the semester ends today for her so I can use the computer as much as I want now 'cause she's sick of seeing it. Well if you're so sick of it, why don't you just give it to me? She laughed again.

Is there some sort of joke I missed?


Ivan from WMD said...

Did all that animating and rendering result in something for you to eat? If not, I think she needs to be retrained. The whole computer thing is more proof.

Victor Tabbycat said...

People are impossible. Try to continue your training consistantly, dispite setbacks. I'm afraid training your human(s) is a life-long committment.

Kukka-Maria said...

It's sad how humans think everything is about them!

Petey said...

I think all that work has clouded her judgement. You're gonna hafta set her straight.

Zeus said...

I'm glad you're back now so I can read and learn more about you, Ms. Ayla! Hopefully, you can learn how to train your human pet so you can get what you want!