Now, you guys need to know something: I wasn't mean to Kukai in any way shape or form. I've had dental work done myself so I know how yucky it can be. Also, he truly wasn't suffering since the Mom made sure that he had some good pain killers. But just because he was miserable, it didn't mean I had to be miserable as well. While he was cowering in the living room, I was prancing around the house, enjoying my freedom. I didn't have to worry about him pouncing on me or trying to steal my food. It was pure bliss.
And it lasted one whole day.
Now, he's even WORSE than he was before. I don't know what the V-E-T did to him but he's happier now and even more annoying. Yes, it is possible. Bah. He's more vocal and he's doing his little rabbit hopping imitations all over the place. Plus, he's taking my spots again. Double bah. The Mom is estatic, saying that his teeth must have been really bothering him before they were removed. She also said the $1,000 she paid for his dental work--the V-E-T's around here aren't just evil but expensive as well--was well worth the money. She should speak for herself.
And of course, the Mom had to take a picture of the two of us. She said it was a "rare moment in history" because we weren't whapping each other.
Oh, and it gets worse...but that's another story for another day. I'm going to hide in the closet for a bit.
You look like you am best buddies in that picshur. But we knows better. Eiefen wif us, a second after the flashy thing goes off I can have my mouf right on Angies neck and in a head lock.
Yeah, we can all manage a truce when dinner is involved.
Hello! nice picture! Yumy! =^^=
Poor Ayla. I so understand. Victor took MY chair, pounced me, and efun chased me this weekend! He won't take hiss for an answer.
Patches is always pouncing on me and making me do my growl thing. She is so snarky and for no reason, I am such a good girl, Mom even says so. I say, it is best to get along, yeah right!!!
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