Friday, October 13, 2006

Some days...

...I just can't win.

It's bad enough that the Mom isn't home all the time now to give me my Stinky Goodness when I want it, right?

Well, the other night, the Dad got home before the Mom so I figured I would go and yowl at him until he fed me. Simple, eh? So, I perch myself up on top of the Mom's scrapbooking case and was about to yowl at the Dad when I'm all of a sudden knocked over by Frankie. It seems he was on one of his typical nip-highs and spazzing out. Normally that doesn't bother me, but this time he was preventing me from my duty of yowling for food. That's not cool. I turned around and yelled "oh did not just do that!" and thwapped him back into sobriety.

By the time I regained the appropriate mental state for a good yowl, the Dad had already walked into the other room. Once he sits down for the evening, nothing is going to budge him. My moment was lost and I was forced to wait for the Mom, who didn't come home until two hours later.



Victor Tabbycat said...

Some serious whappin is called fur. The woman fur bein late. Frankie fur buttin in. The man fur not anticipatin yur needs. An Frankie agin, just cuz.

Ivan from WMD said...

I think I'd give everybody involved in this mess a bite.

Anonymous said...

Geez! Does no one have any consideration?

Tommy and Teaghan said...

The man definitely deserves a bitey fur not catering to yur needs. We don't liks to wait fur food eifur.